Happy Tax Day (in the United States!). Taxes are a hot topic in the U.S. right now. Chances are, as we post this, the government is still arguing who should pay how much. And chances are also high that, in the midst of a recession, you are concerned about how much money you’re spending on taxes. Ok, let’s be honest, you’re probably always concerned about how much money you’re spending on taxes whether it’s a financial recession or not.

There are many benefits of working to include more postconsumer lifestyle elements in your daily life, but you may be surprised to know that adopting some postconsumer philosophies can actually pay off on tax day as well. Here are four ways that being a better postconsumer means a bigger smile on your face come tax time.

Stuff Purges, Donations and Charitable Write-Offs

One of the first steps to becoming a postconsumer who has moved beyond society’s addictive consumerism, or even simply reducing your dependence on “stuff”, is to do a “stuff purge.” Trust us, afterwards you’ll feel better about yourself, your home and your life. But you’ll also experience another benefit. All of that “stuff” that you just purged and don’t want can now get donated to Goodwill or another charitable location. Donations and contributions to charitable locations can then be turned into tax write-offs at the end of the year. Just be sure to get a receipt when you turn over your unused stuff for a contribution.

Postconsumers Like Renewable Energy – And So Does the Government

Eventually, as you work your way up to consuming less and exploring how much is enough for today, you’ll want to incorporate renewable and clean energy into your life as much as possible. The good news for you is that, at present, the government wants to encourage you to do exactly that. That means a bevy of tax incentives for purchases like solar arrays, energy efficient appliances and energy efficient vehicles. When you work up to consuming less energy along with less stuff, you’ll be able to take advantage of tax breaks.

No More Chasing a Salary Can Mean Lower Tax Brackets

Lots of people want to make more money, and in an unstable economy that’s not a bad thing (although many people are against using money as life’s measure of value). However, as you realize that you need less “stuff” than you once did, your life will no longer be driven by trying to make more and more and more money to afford that “stuff.” There’s frankly a salary sweet spot where you fall into your most favorable tax bracket instead of just making more to buy more and to then pay the government more.

More Money. Less Tax Day Stress.

Finally, postconsumers simply spend less money than other people because they’re not always out consuming more, more and more. Because they monitor what they buy more carefully, they also have a better idea of exactly where their money is going and how much they have. That means no surprises and no bills that can’t be paid come tax day, and that means significantly less stress. If taxes stress you out (and they stress most people out), then the best way to avoid that stress is to simply adopt a lifestyle as much as possible that doesn’t put you in a compromised position on tax day. Do you know what lifestyle helps you to achieve that? A postconsumer lifestyle!

Of course, all of the above benefits aren’t ways that you can change yourself or your life overnight. Begin your journey slowly, and sooner rather than later you’ll be thanking Postconsumers.com on tax day when you’re not stressed, have great deductions and have money in the bank for your tax bill.

Did we miss a way that being a postconsumer benefits you on tax day? Tell us about it. Comment below or tell us about it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram.



Photo: 401(K)2013 via Flickr