You’ve seen the commercials, or the billboards, or the adverts in magazines, or heard their voices on the radio. Famous actors or musicians being spokespeople or talking about how they endorse a certain product and it’s! Just! So! Awesome! Okay, so maybe they aren’t overly enthusiastic about the products they endorse – but sometimes those celebrities go out of their way to shill products in order to get you to buy. But if you’re thinking of buying something, does it really matter if a celebrity endorses a product?


Famous Celebrities Don’t Necessarily Mean Quality Product

How many times have you seen or heard about a product with a celebrity backing and thought, “Oh, Famous Person seems to think it’s a good product. They make lots of money, then this product must be good!” There’s something about our favorite actors or musicians endorsing something we think we’ll use. But then we buy it on a whim, take it home, and realize it’s not as good a product as it looked or sounded from the celebrity. Or perhaps the quality just wasn’t up to the standards set forth in the advertising. I hear stories from friends about bad products and just think, “Where do you think all the money went? Definitely not in making the product better!” No matter what, be true to yourself and your own opinion.



Getting Paid For A Job

I was listening to a sports radio show the other day, and one of the hosts used to speak about a certain workout program as part of the “sponsored by” transition between segments on his show. He’d talk about how effective it was, and how he’s lost weight and toned up because of the regimen and how he’d recommend it to everyone. But then oddly, he talked refreshingly about how someone Tweeted him asking how the program was going since he didn’t talk about it much. He was very frank about it, and said, “Well, my contract ran out, so I don’t have to talk about it anymore,” in the kind of tone that implied he didn’t want to talk about this fitness program because he never really used it. And who wants to sell a product and not get paid for it? This tends to be the case with most celebrities – they love these products as long as they’re getting paid to tell everyone they love them.



Has a celebrity endorsement of a product made you want to buy?  Like us on Facebook and tell us about it!


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