Blog Articles Postconsumers2017-08-22T12:11:26+00:00

Connections: Making Them Real Instead of Manifesting Them in “Stuff”

At Postconsumers, our core mission is to help individuals recover from our society’s addictive consumerism to find the satisfaction of enough. At our base, we simply want to help people find happiness. The benefits to the planet and individual finances are just symptoms of finding this happiness. But we’re upfront about the fact that the path to the satisfaction of enough may not be smooth and easy. Many of the behaviors of addictive [...]

More People are Staying Single Longer (or Forever). What Impact Might That Have on Consumerism?

Typically, as Valentine’s Day approaches, we spend a great deal of time talking about consumer-conscious and eco-friendly ways to show that you love somebody. In fact, we created so much content about this topic that we have an entire Valentine’s Day Resource Center full of it. But today we’re going to vary from that topic while also staying in the same vein. Because, increasingly, individuals of every gender, race and socio-economic persuasion are [...]

By |February 2nd, 2016|Categories: Becoming a Postconsumer, Consumerism, Valentines Day|Tags: |

Happy Chinese New Year from Postconsumers: Year of the Red Monkey

Lots of Luck for the Red Monkey Year in 2016! The year of the Red Monkey is a great year to break ties with the addictive consumerism of the west. Get started with Postconsumers. Get More Inspirations Like This: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Google+ | Medium   Photo Credit: Corey Holms via Flickr

By |February 2nd, 2016|Categories: Fun, Memes|

Favorite Valentine’s Day Quotes: The Same Direction

“Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.” Saint-Exupery Explore All of the Postconsumers Valentine's Day Content 20 Fun and Eco-Friendly Valentine's Day Ideas Can You "Love" a Thing? All Valentine's Day Tips and Ideas Get More Inspirations Like This: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Google+ | Medium     Photo Credit: wisley via Flickr

By |January 29th, 2016|Categories: Fun, Memes, Quotes, Valentines Day|Tags: , |

Project: Make a List. Check it Twice.

We made it! It’s been a full month of providing you with content and tools to help you master this year’s featured New Year’s resolution at Postconsumers – learning to separate emotion from “stuff.” We like to think that over the course of this month we’ve guided you not only to understand that you (likely, as all of us) do assign emotional value to stuff, but also given you concrete projects to help [...]

Making vs. Buying: Why One Justifies Emotional Attachment

This month, we’re focusing on our featured New Year’s resolution for 2016, learning to separate emotion from “stuff.” But we’re also self-aware enough to realize that some of the content in this section can end up sounding as though we think that you should throw away everything that you own and live in a treehouse with only the food and shelter that you need to survive. Just like we’re not judging you if [...]

Project: Keep Your Kids from Assigning Emotion to Stuff

Not a parent? Stop right there! You don’t need to move right along! Chances are you have kids in your life somewhere, and these are still great tips for you. As we mentioned earlier in the month, in addition to educating you on the philosophy regarding the dangers and habits of associating emotion with “stuff” this month, we’re also going to give you some tangible projects that you can do to help achieve [...]

By |January 20th, 2016|Categories: Becoming a Postconsumer, Consume Less, Consumerism, Parenting|Tags: |

New Year’s Inspiration Quotes: Teach the People

"If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people." Confucius More Inspiration for the New Year and All Year Long from Postconsumers Inspirational Quotes New Year's Resolutions Self-Help and Stress Reduction Get More Inspirations Like This: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Google+ | Medium

By |January 18th, 2016|Categories: Fun, Inspiration, Memes, Quotes|Tags: , , , |

Is It an Heirloom or Is It Clutter? Why There’s a Difference, and Why That Difference Matters.

One of the first things that we often hear when we’re advising people to not only de-clutter but, more importantly, start to separate emotion from “stuff” is that many of their things are heirlooms. We don’t deny the importance of heirlooms at all. In fact, we wish more people were passing things down and using them rather than just buying new things with every generation (or because they got bored). But we’ve also [...]

By |January 16th, 2016|Categories: Becoming a Postconsumer, Clutter, Consumerism|Tags: , |
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