Blog Articles Postconsumers2017-08-22T12:11:26+00:00

Greenwashing vs. Ethical Consumerism: How Do You Tell the Difference?

Earlier this year when we were discussing the relationship between millennials and consumerism, we introduced a new term to our Postconsumers Glossary. The term was Ethical Consumerism and it had to do with making purchases but making them in a way that supported your philosophical and moral beliefs. (We know that some postconsumers resist crafting identity based on purchases, but as we previously explained we feel like ethical consumerism is a great spot [...]

Favorite Irish Sayings and Quotes: Hearts, Smiles and Pockets

“May your heart be light and happy, may your smile be big and wide, and may your pockets always have a coin or two inside!” Why We Love This Irish Quote: We keep thinking that we’re going to run out of Irish quotes that focus on only needing a few coins because there are far more important things that will bring you the satisfaction of enough, but then we stumble upon another one! [...]

By |March 3rd, 2016|Categories: Fun, Memes, Quotes, St. Patrick Day|Tags: |

Our Favorite Irish Quotes and Sayings

We were admittedly a little bit of a St. Patrick’s Day downer earlier this month with our article on the consumerization of everybody’s favorite Irish holiday. But the truth is that we love St. Patrick’s Day and its festive spirit and the way it can bring communities together. So in honor of the essence of this holiday instead of the commercialization of it, we’re sharing our favorite Irish quotes and sayings, along with [...]

By |March 3rd, 2016|Categories: Fun, Quotes, St. Patrick Day|Tags: , |

The Hidden (Or Not So Hidden) Consumerism of St. Patrick’s Day

It’s no secret that many, even most, holidays have been invaded by consumerism. We need only mention Black Friday as the largest example of that, but clearly Valentine's Day is on our radar as a consumer-holiday-trap as well. Oddly, though, over the year’s we’ve barely devoted any print space to the consumerization of St. Patrick's Day. In retrospect, that seems odd since it’s a holiday where, obviously, much consumer marketing has taken over. [...]

The Consumerism of Having a Baby. Stuff, Stuff and More Baby Stuff.

Is there anything more natural and joyous than bringing a baby into the world? Well, perhaps not for the first three months of that process. Or for the last three! But after the physical discomfort is accounted for, it can be generally agreed upon (even by people who choose not to have children) that childbirth and parenting are among some of the most rewarding activities possible. Which is why it’s entirely cringe-worthy that [...]

By |February 29th, 2016|Categories: Becoming a Postconsumer, Buy Less, Consumerism, Marketing Traps|Tags: |

What is the Ethical Consumer Category?

We’ve been talking this month about the relationship that millennials have (or don’t have) with consumerism. During our exploration, you’ve certainly heard us use the term “ethical consumer” a number of times. We’ve even touched lightly on what it means, but it’s such an essential cousin to the concepts of the millennial consumer, anticonsumer or postconsumer that we’re devoting an entire article to it. Chances are, many of you were an ethical consumer [...]

By |February 26th, 2016|Categories: Becoming a Postconsumer, Consumerism, Marketing Traps|Tags: |

Millennials and How Marketers are Trying to Capture Them

Periodically at Postconsumers, you’ll see us devote time to talking about marketers and marketing tactics. Usually, we do this on a broad scope. But since we’re dedicating time this month to exploring the very specific relationship between millennials and consumerism, we decided to narrow the focus of this article to be particularly about how marketers are trying to capture the millennial dollar. In some cases, it’s for purchases within a shared economy, which [...]

By |February 24th, 2016|Categories: Consumerism, Marketing Traps|Tags: |

Millennials and Virtual Capital: Is There a Relationship to Postconsumerism?

We’re taking some page-space this month to dive into the generation du jour – millennials – and their relationship with consumerism and/or postconsumerism. One thing that’s truly unique about this generation is that they’re growing up in a world with virtual capital as an option. More than ever, money is traded across wi-fi networks. In some cases, that money isn’t even money! Does the evolving relationship with money and capital change how millennials [...]

By |February 23rd, 2016|Categories: Budget and Finance, Consume Less, Consumerism|Tags: |
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