Blog Articles Postconsumers2017-08-22T12:11:26+00:00

De-Stress Inspiration Favorite Quotes: Winnie the Pooh

“Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.” Winnie the Pooh Find More Ways to Get Stress Free at Postconsumers Stress Reduction Tips Media Diet Information Get More Inspirations Like This: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Google+ | Medium  

More Money, More Problems? It Depends on What You Do With It.

In 1997, the rapper Notorious B.I.G. released the award-winning rap song “Mo Money, Mo Problem.” It’s still a classic and we’ve embedded a video copy of it below if you feel like a little mid-week music pick-you-up. The essence of the song was that now that B.I.G. was famous and had more money, he found himself having more problems. However, the message isn’t just for fame-seekers who get their wish. In a world [...]

The Real Vs. Fake Pumpkin Debate

We believe in full honesty here at Postconsumers, so we’ll admit upfront that we didn’t know there was any debate between using fake plastic Halloween pumpkins and real ones until somebody alerted us to some heated Facebook and social media debates on the topic. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised if this is the first that you’re hearing of the debate as well! But in the interest of covering all topics that may [...]

By |October 2nd, 2016|Categories: Environmentalism, Green Living, Halloween|Tags: |

When Is Bulk Shopping a Good Idea?

At Postconsumers, we’ve been known to advise against bulk shopping at places like Costco. You’ve certainly heard us say things like “more isn’t always better” or “you’re not saving if most of what you use goes to waste” several times over. Let’s be honest – more than several times.  But the truth is that even for the most adamant Postconsumer who is trying to buy less, live more, bulk shopping can sometimes make [...]

By |September 30th, 2016|Categories: Becoming a Postconsumer, Buy Less, Consume Less, Consumerism|Tags: |

Marketing Awareness for the Postconsumer Quotes: Big Budget Advertising

"You can fool all the people all the time if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough." Joseph E. Levine Find More Marketing Education at Postconsumers: Marketing 101 for the Postconsumer 37 Marketing Traps Hidden Consumerism Series Get More Inspirations Like This: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Google+ | Medium

By |September 27th, 2016|Categories: Consumerism, Marketing Traps, Memes, Quotes|Tags: , |

What is Lifetime Value and Retention Rate? Marketing Strategies to Know and Understand.

We think that to understand the beast, you need to enter the belly of the beast.  And we mean that metaphorically because while we believe that marketers are part of an unhealthy mass consumer machine, we certainly don’t think that they are beasts! But we do think that one of the most essential parts of learning to make your own decisions and chart your own course about where you will and won’t participate [...]

By |September 25th, 2016|Categories: Consumerism, Marketing Traps|Tags: |

What is Lead Generation? Marketing Strategies to Know and Understand.

While there are many cogs in the consumer media machine, marketing is the gas that generates the buzz and hum of the moving gears. That’s why we’re taking time this month to talk about strategies that marketers use to convince you to buy more, more and more. We think that once you understand some of the nuts and bolts of marketing you’ll be empowered to self-exit the consumer marketing machine. At a minimum, [...]

By |September 23rd, 2016|Categories: Consumerism, Marketing Traps|Tags: |

Marketing Awareness for the Postconsumer Quotes: Wants are Sold

"Needs are imposed by nature. Wants are sold by society." Mokokoma Mokhonoana Find More Marketing Education at Postconsumers: Marketing 101 for the Postconsumer 37 Marketing Traps Hidden Consumerism Series Get More Inspirations Like This: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Google+ | Medium

By |September 21st, 2016|Categories: Consumerism, Marketing Traps, Memes, Quotes|Tags: , |

Marketing Awareness for the Postconsumer Quotes: Misplaced Creativity

"Far more creativity, today, goes into marketing of products than into the products themselves." William Gibson Find More Marketing Education at Postconsumers: Marketing 101 for the Postconsumer 37 Marketing Traps Hidden Consumerism Series Get More Inspirations Like This: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Google+ | Medium

By |September 20th, 2016|Categories: Consumerism, Marketing Traps, Memes, Quotes|Tags: , |

What Is the Marketing Funnel and Why Do You Need to be Aware of It?

We’ve been working hard this year at Postconsumers to help educate you about the inner workings of the consumer marketing machine. It’s not that we resent the consumer marketing engine or people who work in it. But we do think it’s important as a general rule that you make active choices about the purchases that you make and how much is enough rather than simply follow the marketing machine. The best way for [...]

By |September 19th, 2016|Categories: Consumerism, Marketing Traps|Tags: |
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