De-Stress Inspiration Favorite Quotes: The Time to Relax
“The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.” Sydney J. Harris Find More Ways to Get Stress Free at Postconsumers Stress Reduction Tips Media Diet Information The Get Satisfied Web Course Get More Inspirations Like This: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Google+ | Medium Photo Credit: Israel Defense Forces via Flickr
Consumerism and the Depression Epidemic: The Undeniable Link
There’s no doubt that depression in America, and for that matter much of the westernized world, is at an all-time high. There’s also no doubt that there’s not one specific cause for this. Depending on who you are and what your beliefs are, you could point to a myriad of causes: breakdown of family and social structures, increased feelings of loneliness, mass media distribution of tragic news, the internet in general, the economy, [...]
De-Stress Inspiration Favorite Quotes: The Choice of Stress
“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” William James Find More Ways to Get Stress Free at Postconsumers Stress Reduction Tips Media Diet Information The Get Satisfied Web Course Get More Inspirations Like This: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Google+ | Medium Photo Credit: Meagan via Flickr
Halloween Quote Favorites: The Courage of Costumes
"If human beings had genuine courage, they'd wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween." Douglas Coupland More Halloween Fun At Postconsumers All Halloween Quotes Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse Your Favorite Halloween Icons Were Postconsumers The Hidden Consumerism of Halloween Candy Get More Inspirations Like This: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Google+ | Medium Photo Credit: andiezoe via Flickr
Deconstructing Retail Therapy: Why It’s Just Not a Real Thing
We’re guessing that whether you personally have said it or not, you’ve heard the words “retail therapy” many times in your life. Increasingly, the answer myth to feeling blue or getting bad news is to dull the pain or spike the happy high by buying “stuff.” Whether this is something that you personally do or whether you know people who do it, we’re going to take some time today to explain why retail [...]
De-Stress Inspiration Favorite Quotes: Mr. Rogers
“In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.” Fred Rogers Get More Inspirations Like This: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Google+ | Medium
Eight Mantras to Keep Your Stuff-Free Stress Quest on Track
Letting go of emotional attachment to “stuff” and finding the satisfaction of enough for today doesn’t happen overnight. We know that. In fact, for most people who grew up in a society of “more, more, more,” the trip from mass consumer to postconsumer can be a long one. We don’t expect it to happen overnight, and we don’t dictate where on the path is the right end-point destination for you. What we do, [...]
The Stress You Don’t Realize That You’re Experiencing: Consumer Media Machine Stress
Stop for a moment and think about all of the stress that you experience in your daily life. Stress from work. Stress from finances. Stress from traffic and community. Stress from being over-committed. Stress from personal relationships. We’re guessing that we’ve only just begun to touch on the many items on the list of things that you might identify as causing stress for you. And if you’re like the vast majority of people, [...]
De-Stress Inspiration Favorite Quotes: Stay in the Sunlight
“Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.” Benjamin Franklin Get More Inspirations Like This: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Google+ | Medium Photo Credit: Mark Belokopytov via Flickr
10 Ways to Relieve Stress Other Than Shopping’s Trap
This month, we’ve been diving deeper into the relationship between consumerism, “stuff” and stress. We like to think that we’ve made some progress with showing how “retail therapy” isn’t actually therapy at all and is in fact more likely to make you feel stressed continually than to make you feel better. We certainly hope we’ve started to show how most material objects can’t actually improve your mental, emotional or physical health. But what [...]