An event sponsored by Live Talks Los Angeles that features Dr. Peter Whybrow speaking on his new book, The Well-Tuned Brain: Neuroscience and The Life Well Lived, will include gifts of our collaboration book Get Satisfied: How Twenty People Like You Found the Satisfaction of Enough published by Easton Studio Press. The Live Talks Los Angeles event will be held at 8:00pm on June 17, 2015 at the William Turner Gallery in Santa Monica, California.
Peter C. Whybrow, MD is Director of the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA. His previous award-winning book is American Mania: When More Is Not Enough, upon which our Get Satisfied web course is based. He says, “Swept along by the cascading advances of today’s technology, most of us take for granted that progress brings improvement. Despite spectacular material advance, however, the evidence grows that we are failing to create a sustainable future for humanity. We are out of tune with the planet that nurtures us.”
According to Live Talks Los Angeles, The Well-Tuned Brain: Neuroscience and The Life Well Lived “weaves cutting-edge science, philosophy, history and personal experience to explore how the human brain is at odds with the enticements of the consumer society. It is the challenge central to our times.”