Postconsumers is gearing up for the Valentine’s fun ahead so I thought it would be a good time to quickly talk about falling in love. Oh, I don’t mean the usual romance or the once-in-a-lifetime romance or even the spectacular romance of life itself. I mean the every pore of your body, every moment of your day, every throb of your spirit kind of love. I mean fall in love with your idea of how much is enough.

Why is this so different and so important? The dictionary defines “enough” as sufficient to meet needs or satisfy desires. OMG, what could be more essential to the utter fulfillment of life and yet it’s like a nose-wrinkling, eye-rolling, Martian concept in America. There are so many millions of people in this country who don’t have anywhere close to enough, so it’s vital that those of us who do actually appreciate it, treasure it, love it to the core.

That’s why all of our offerings are called Get Satisfied. The Get Satisfied web course, book, cartoon series and game show all provide fun ways to explore how much is enough for you. And this doesn’t mean enough for tomorrow, no one can know that. It just means enough for today, whether it’s a little or a lot. No one can discover that except for you. More than anything – for our own mental health and for the planet’s health – America needs an ecstatic love affair with enough.