You’ve probably read a number of blog entries on Postconsumers where we’ve suggested that rather than buying something new you can upcycle or recycle. We usually suggest a thrift store, swap meet or even eBay or Craigslist for that activity, but recently we were made aware of a great online search engine that allows you to search instantly through forty-five different online sources to find items that are available to be swapped or are being given away free from people who no long need them. What a super way to reduce your purchasing needs, save money and reduce consumer production and waste. We give you …! is a nonprofit organization that’s developed technology that, when used in partnership with many of the smaller websites that offer free and for trade items, combines all of the items into one search result listing. It has handy features such as the ability to get text alerts for terms that you’re continually looking for and there’s a wish list feature in development as well.
In fact, ecofreek is developing to be like many of the most popular online shopping destinations with a notable exception – you’re not feeding a consumer habit or adding even more material to landfill wastes when you use it.
Particularly in this season of heavy shopping, stop and think about the idea of an upcycled or reused gift. It’s likely that you have friends who would appreciate the idea of planet-saving more than they would a new item. But you don’t need to limit the swap and trade idea to gift giving. Make ecofreek or other swap and trade destinations your first stop when you’re buying items for personal or home use as well!
The internet really can be used for good! Using it to match up people who have items they no longer want with the people who can give those items a second life that doesn’t involve a landfill is a perfect example of the internet being used for good.
Got another idea on a way to use the internet for good? Like us on Facebook and tell us about it!