We’re all trying to become a postconsumerhere! We’re trying to let go of some of our emotional attachment to “stuff” and find ways to experience the satisfaction of enough. One of the first things that we need to do is to work on letting go of our over-attachment to the things that we’ve collected around us. What’s the best way to do that? Well it’s a garage sale of course! But we’re not just saying that because it’s a way to get rid of your clutter. Garage sales can create huge satisfaction in and of themselves by building community and driving charitable donations. Here are four tips on making your garage sale into something that not only reduces your “stuff count” but also creates satisfaction in your life.
Keep the Purpose In Mind: At the bottom of it, your garage sale is about reducing stuff. Make selecting the stuff that you’re going to get rid of a process that you can feel good about. Sure, you’re going to miss that dress that’s been in your closet for over a year that you haven’t worn once in all that time, but keep in mind how much better you’ll feel when you’re not mentally owned by looking at that dress over and over again. Think about the good of letting go every time you add an item to your garage sale inventory.
Make Your Garage Sale a Community Event: Especially in the age of the internet, chances for members of the community to interact get fewer and further between. Make your garage sale a tool to correct this. If you can afford it, offer some free food and punch to browsers. Set your area up to look festive and inviting and make sure that your signs invite people to check out the garage sale and meet their neighbor. Take the time to chat with everybody who stops by – about the neighborhood, the stories behind the items you’re selling, anything really. At the end of the day, the social interactions with your community members will leave you feeling fulfilled (yes, even the price haggling!).
Add a Charitable Element: Use your garage sale as a way to give back! If you don’t need the money from the proceeds, donate them to a charity and make sure that the fact that all sales go to charity is on your advertising signs around your yard sale! If you need the money from the yard sale, add a donation can somewhere in the sale to collect any spare change for a local cause. Every event is more fulfilling when it gives something back.
Celebrate Your Satisfaction: At the end of the day, remind yourself that you did something good and celebrate it! You reduced stuff, you fostered community and you may even have raised a few dollars for charity. You deserve something that makes you happy! Maybe a fruity cocktail or some nice aromatherapy! Any way you do it, congratulate yourself!
As the internet and ebay took over, the art of the yard sale disappeared. But you can bring it back while reducing, simplifying and improving your community at the same time.