High school is a strange place, no matter if you’re still in it or are far, far away from graduation. Between the cliques and the activities and the classes, it can seem like a confusing time. One of the big events that happens in high school is getting your driver’s license, and it seems like the freedom of driving your own car can be right at your fingertips. These days, more and more families are becoming environmentally aware, so any little thing that can reduce your carbon footprint is helpful to the environment. Driving a car is a big responsibility, so why not take charge and carpool your friends to school? You’ll have some time with your friends in the car while reducing pollution. Even better, taking the bus instead of driving also cuts down on added pollution.

More and more these days, high schools are adding carpool registration to their programs in order to save parents money on gas while doing their part for the environment. Many families in the current economy that used to have multiple cars have had to sell one in order to accommodate their budgets. After all, it’s easier to pay for gas for one car instead of two, right? And with one car being used by parents to go to work, many students having friends with similar schedules (like getting to school early for marching band, choir, or orchestra practice) can benefit from carpooling to and from school.

We know, it’s cooler to drive than to take the bus. Or, at least, it seems that way. But to be honest, a lot of families just don’t have the budgets that they used to, meaning buying a new car is completely out of the question, and it’s a strong possibility that your friends are living in 1-car homes as well. Saying “Take the bus!” might sound like it’s lame, but if you think about it, not only will you be spending more time with your friends in the morning, you’ll be doing your part to reduce pollution. In fact, if you’re part of an environmental or science group in your high school, make a plan to ride the bus as a group once a week and see if it turns into a regular occurrence. Remember, it only takes a couple of weeks for a habit to form!

For those who have families who have budgeted out for a new car, encourage your parents to purchase a hybrid vehicle. The combination of gas and electric in cars is becoming a cheaper option every year, and there are several different kinds of great-looking cars on the market. In fact, they’ve become so popular that you may even be able to find a used one for an even cheaper price! Do your research thoroughly with your parents if they’re considering it.

Is there a local high school carpooling program in your area?  Like us on Facebook and tell us about it!



Photo via Flickr Creative Commons: bsabarnowl