As Postconsumers grows, both as a movement and a website, we often get feedback that people are upset to see us mentioned in places like and the Fox News Network. After all, those are locations that certainly don’t support the idea of moving beyond addictive consumerism. And in one case, a place that actively advocates for views and ideas that are the opposite of those promoted at Postconsumers. And so we get emails and tweets and even Facebook posts that, in many cases, are actually offended that we would promote our message in those networks and media.
But…why wouldn’t we? After all, those are the locations where the people who can learn the most from our message are!
Postconsumers obviously doesn’t agree with all of the messages that get conveyed in some of the outlets that we use to spread the word about finding the Satisfaction of Enough. But if we only asked for press and only promoted ourselves in channels that support our vision, what would the point be? The purpose of Postconsumers is to help people begin their journey to satisfaction and freedom from the consumer machine. We wouldn’t be doing a very good job if we only talked to people who were already on that journey, would we?
Another way to say it would be, “It’s hard to change the system from outside the system.”
What we believe is that people come to a realization about the role that “stuff” plays in their life in their own time. And the resources that are offered on can help those who are just starting, those who are looking for new ideas, and even those who have spent a lifetime learning to find a passionate life that doesn’t rely on “stuff” for emotional satisfaction. But the journey typically starts from somewhere that the typical Postconsumer wouldn’t consider a great media outlet. And so, even if sometimes it makes us cringe a bit, it’s important to us at Postconsumers to be in those outlets.
Do we wish that it were as simple as a great Tweet or a nice looking website? Of course we do! But sometimes, no matter how we feel about it, we need to go into the belly of the beast. And sometimes while we’re in that belly, we can cure a little consumer indigestion!
If you have questions or comments about how we promote our message, we’d love to hear them. Just email us at