If you’ve noticed a little bit of “stuff creep” in your house since you did your spring cleaning earlier in the year, it’s time to take some baby steps in order to get your house or apartment back to normal. A great way to do that is to create one empty drawer in your home. How do you do that?


The first step is to pick a drawer you think will be easiest to empty. Take for example a dresser drawer. If you’ve found that you’ve overfilled one of the drawers with shirts, it may be time to reduce your clothes! Take the shirts you don’t need to a donation station or the nearest thrift store.


Then you can move on to a more complex drawer, like an office drawer filled with random supplies. If you have old ink cartridges, you can take them to an office supply store where they can be refilled or exchanged for reams of paper (that can be recycled later!) It’s also a great excuse to see what you need and don’t need in certain rooms in your home so it doesn’t seem as haphazard.


Like anything, it’s small baby steps. Start with a drawer that’s easy to handle, then if you’re inspired you can move on to the more complex drawers in the house. The next thing you know, you’ll be able to find just about anything anywhere – and you’ll have a cleaner house to boot!



Do you have a drawer that needs to be empty? Like us on Facebook and tell us!