“GOP plans attacks on the EPA and climate scientists”
Thus ran a major article in the L.A. Times last Saturday. AccuWeather.com’s Climate Change blog picked it up yesterday, and my fingers, no doubt itchy from excess global warming, could not resist posting a comment there. Here it is:
“The LA Times article mentioned climate scientist Michael Mann as a probable target of investigation and quoted him: “I don’t think we can cower under the politically motivated attacks by the forces of anti-science, which includes prominent politicians who are in the pay of the fossil fuel industry.”
“Survey after survey of climate articles published in peer-reviewed science journals indicates an overwhelming consensus that climate change is real and caused by human activity (deforestation, fossil fuels, etc.) Typically the consensus is 95% and above.
Non scientists do not realize how effective peer-review is at weeding out weak research and fraud. Scientists are fiercely competitive. This high consensus is one proof among many of the soundness of the science.
Though numerous panels have already cleared those involved in “climategate,” an infinite number would not satisfy those whose political agenda demands that global warming be “disappeared.” The forces of anti-science, as Michael Mann calls them, are handling this enormously inconvenient truth the same way such truths have been handled throughout history: behead the messenger.”
I, however, prefer to keep my wits (and my head) about me. Here’s one 3-step strategy:
1. When confronted with willful witlessness like these promised investigations, I allow myself a hearty laugh. It sure beats crying.
2. I get busy with advocacy. I’ve really upped the talking I’ve done lately, especially with the young, because they’re the ones who’ll get to clean up the mess.
3. I get even. I pull even further back from consumerism, spend less time & money on piles of stuff, and more on family, friends, and helping the environment. It’s a great life!
Please do not hesitate to comment either below or on facebook.
Image: Kansas in the 22nd century according to many climate-change scenarios that assume “business as usual.” Sorry about that, Dorothy.
That’s the bad news. The good news? Maybe there’ll be fewer tornadoes.