In this world, everything has an opposite. Black has white. Healthy has sick. Rich has poor. Stress has an opposite state of being as well. But what is the opposite of stressed? At postconsumers, we believe that the opposite of “stressed” is “satisfied”, and it’s our mission to help people find the satisfaction of enough so that they’ll ultimately learn to be less stressed.
Go into your head for a moment and imagine that you’re stressed out. Maybe at this moment you don’t even need to imagine all that much! What does it feel like? Does it feel like your brain is full of circuits that are setting off sparks? Now, shift gears and imagine what it feels like in those moments where you’re entirely satisfied. What does that feel like? Does it feel like your head is full of clouds, or like you’re sitting in the sun on a warm beach? However it feels, we’re guessing that the feeling you had when you imagined you were stressed was a lot less desirable than the feeling you had when you imagined that you were fully satisfied. We’re also guessing that right now you’re asking yourself how do you construct a life in which you get the second feeling far more often than the first feeling.
Postconsumers works to take people on that journey. Through the advice that you’ll read in this blog and on the website, you’ll learn ways to reduce your dependence on the idea of finding happiness through consumerism and material goods. While not becoming a monk on a mountainside, you’ll learn ways to replace the time and energy that you put into the consumerist cycle with activities and ways of living that leave you feeling satisfied.
Everything has an opposite. At postconsumers, we believe that the opposite of stressed is satisfied. We’d like to help you on your road between those two places!