While it’s not quite officially summer yet, with the warmer weather, the green is still hanging on before the real heat sets in. Now, before you get depressed that it’s going to get too hot outside, don’t forget to take a minute to enjoy the green while it’s still green! What a way to avoid the call of the mall!


Have a picnic

One of my favorite places here in Vegas is Sunset Park. I’ve been going there since I was a kid, and they have a lake in the center of it where ducks and geese cruise the water and trail around it. It’s a great place before the summer months to take a shady picnic of your favorite organic foods and enjoy the day, or take a stroll while enjoying the sun and trees and grass (and getting a little exercise to boot.)


Plant your summer veggies

A great way to get your Zen on is to plant. Before it gets too hot to be outside, get your summer garden together so you can have some fresh veggies to eat later! Tending to your garden is a fantastic way to get your mind off stress and be mindful about creating and growing. The feeling of accomplishment when you get to pick them is another great way to get rid of stress!


Read the green

My favorite book to read this time of year is Walt Whitman’s Leaves Of Grass: “Spontaneous me, Nature, The loving day, the mounting sun, the friend I am happy with, The arm of my friend hanging idly over my shoulder…” It’s a lifting piece about freedom in the sun and enjoying nature. It makes me inspired to write and create during the warming months.


Take a moment to be present. Use all your senses to take in everything. Even if it is just a moment, it’s important!



Are you still enjoying the green? Like us on Facebook and tell us about it!